The American We All Want: Protecting Your Community From Gun Violence
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The America We All Want is the culmination of over a decade of research and writing on gun violence in the United States. The book draws on research as well as the author’s extensive writings including his books on the shooting at the Appalachian School of Law and Virginia Tech. The author brings to the problem more than 50 years of working in intelligence and crime analysis. He also has the added dimension of having lost a family member in a school shooting. The book is brutally honest in addressing the causes of the gun violence epidemic in the United States. The author asserts past failures of our national and state leaders to address the root causes of violence are, in large part, why this country faces public shootings on a scale not known before. But the book does not stop there. The author factors in the growth of terrorism, racially motivated violence, and the horrendous targeting and murder of our police. The America We All Want suggests action to take at the local level to curb these shooting rampages. The book does not have all the answers, but is a clarion call for people to think about what can be done and then follow up with actions.