High Tide Publications, Inc.
To Submit an Inquiry:
We do not require a query letter; however, we request a synopsis of your book. Please wait for us to reach out if we want to see your manuscript sample. Email your synopsis to: j.johansen@hightidepublications.com
Click here to view a sample synopsis:​​
If We Request a Sample of the Manuscript After Reviewing Your Inquiry:
If your submission meets the requirements for our current catalog, we will ask for the first 30 pages for vetting. Please ensure your manuscript is formatted according to the following specifications:
Manuscript Formatting Guidelines:
Please ensure your manuscript is formatted according to the following specifications:
Your manuscript must be an MS Word file.
Use 8.5” x 11” paper, printed on one side only, with 1-inch margins on all sides and page numbers included.
The body text must be in 12-point Times New Roman, black font.
Include a title page with your contact information in the header.
Each chapter should have a chapter number or heading centered on the page.
Pages should be double-spaced and left-justified. Do not indent paragraphs or use the space bar to center or position text.
Place *** between scenes within a chapter.​
Click the button to see an example of a properly formatted document.
After reviewing your sample, we will request the full manuscript if it meets our current needs.
Our Six-Step Process:
1. Review and Vetting:
Our review board will carefully evaluate your submission. We maintain high standards for the manuscripts we accept and only consider those requested explicitly by HTP.
2. Decision:
Our team at High Tide Publications, Inc. will take up to 60 days to thoroughly review your material and promptly communicate our decision—whether it’s a positive acceptance or a constructive rejection—along with the reasons for our decision.
3. Acceptance and Contract:
If your manuscript is accepted and you agree with our package pricing, you will receive a contract via email. At this stage, you must submit your finalized manuscript in an MS Word document (following our formatting guidelines) and a check for the package investment corresponding to your classification of fiction or nonfiction. You will also receive an Author Questionnaire to complete and return with your package.
4. Editing:
Our editorial team will review the finalized manuscript for content, flow, and grammar. If additional self-editing is required before professional editing begins, you must complete this process first.
5. Pre-Publication:
Once the final editing is complete, your book will enter production. At this time, you will be required to:
Submit any additional information, such as Acknowledgments, Dedication, Author Biography, and Author Headshot.
Proof the final galley of the hard copy book and sign off before it goes to print.
Submit any blurbs or endorsements received.
Assist with writing the back cover copy.
6. Production and Printing​
When the book enters production, HTP will schedule a Zoom meeting with you and our staff to discuss the publication date and other details.