If Chicken Tasted Like Chocolate: A Picky Eater Story
Amazon Barnes and Noble IndieBound
Jack is a fussy eater. A very fussy eater. So what DOES Jack eat? Chocolate! That's it!
He refuses to eat his carrots. No celery for him. No cucumbers, cantaloupe or corn for him! Forget about clams, cherries, or cottage cheese. They might start with the letter C (like chocolate), but they aren't going in his mouth. His dad is worried, and each day he tries something new. But no matter what it is...a toy, a bribe, silly faces, or airplane food...it won't convince Jack to try noodles, cheese, shrimp or his worst fear...CHICKEN.
Just as Jack's dad is about to give up, the two come up with a brilliant idea.There is hope! Follow father and his picky son star in a witty story about the triumph of imagination over proclivity.